2014 Voting  Has finished. View the full results here. See this years winners below.

Economic/Social Justice

Big Brothers Big Sisters has received our donation for the 2014 tax year (boy it was close)!

Big Brothers Big Sisters: www.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca
We believe that by changing the course of young lives we can in turn be changing the course of a community’s future. That it could lead to a reduction in poverty and unemployment. Or to safer schools and neighbourhoods. Or to a renewed optimism for growth. That it could even lead to change on a broader, more far-reaching scale.

The Wakefield Grannies: www.thegrannies.org
Our mission is to maintain personal contact and financially assist women in South Africa who are caring for AIDS-orphaned grandchildren.

Toronto Rape Crisis Centre: trccmwar.ca
TRCC/MWAR is a grassroots, women-run collective working towards a violence-free world by providing anti-oppressive, feminist peer support to survivors of sexual violence through support, education and activism.

Environment and Biodiversity

Nature Conservancy Canada has received our donation for the 2014 tax year.

Canadian Biotechnology Action Network: www.cban.ca
Mission: To promote food sovereignty and democratic decision-making on science and technology issues in order to protect the integrity of the environment, health, food, and the livelihoods of people in Canada and around the world by facilitating, informing and organizing civil society action, researching, and providing information to government for policy development. (this is a Tides Canada Initiative)

EcoSource: ecosource.ca
Ecosource is an Ontario-based environmental education non-profit serving youth, adults, and families. Our work began in Mississauga and has expanded throughout the Region of Peel and beyond. Their Mission is To inspire and empower the community to become more environmentally responsible through creative public education.

Nature Conservancy Canada: www.natureconservancy.ca
The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) protects areas of natural diversity for their intrinsic value and for the benefit of our children and those after them. The Nature Conservancy of Canada will lead, innovate and use creativity in the conservation of Canada’s natural heritage. We will secure important natural areas through their purchase, donation or other mechanisms, and then manage these properties for the long term.

World Poverty and Human Rights

Zidisha has received our donation for the 2014 tax year.

see my profile here: https://www.zidisha.org/lender/profile/view/45543

Against Malaria Foundation:
Mission: The relief of suffering from malaria by the provision of funds for the prevention and/or treatment of malaria and the advancement of education in the subjects of a) the problems and suffering caused by malaria and b) what can be done to alleviate them. More specifically, 100% of the money we raise buys long-lasting insecticidal mosquito nets (LLINs). Via distribution partnerships, these nets end up over heads and beds and we demonstrate that has happened.

Free the Children: www.freethechildren.com
Although free the children may very well do good work, some information came to light from some people that used to work for free the children and they do not treat their staff very well at all and do not pay their salary correctly. Several past employees are still owed several thousand dollars each. this is not the way to run a charity and shame on you free the children. Please choose many of the other more respectable charities. For this reason they were removed from the voting sheet part way through the survey.

Zidisha: www.zidisha.org
Zidisha is the first online microlending community that directly connects lenders and entrepreneurs — no matter the distance or disparity between them. We bypass expensive local banks and intermediaries that charge sky-high interest rates and offer a person-to-person platform that lets lenders and entrepreneurs communicate openly and instantly.
NOTE: this selection will result in a continuous loan/repayment that will help a lot of entrepreneurs as its not a donation or charity.